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Humanoid Robots Wiki β

Revision as of 03:06, 15 May 2024 by Modeless (talk | contribs) (List of Humanoid Robots)

Welcome to the Humanoid Robots wiki!

This is a free resource to learn about humanoid robots.

As you're looking around, if something feels incomplete or out-of-date, please update it so that we can continue providing high-quality information to the community.


Getting Started

Getting Started with Humanoid Robots


Name Comments
Underactuated Robotics High-quality open-source course from MIT
Learning for Adaptive and Reactive Robot Control Textbook for graduate-level courses in robotics
Learning algorithms Resources related with training humanoid models in simulation and real environments
Reinforcement Learning Resources related to understanding reinforcement learning
Servo Design A reference for servos that you can use
Category:Guides Category for pages which act as guides
Category:Courses Category for pages about useful courses related to robotics
Category:Electronics Category for pages about electronics topics
Category:Hardware Category for pages relating to hardware
Category:Firmware Category for pages relating to firmware
Category:Software Category for pages relating to software
Category:Teleop Category for pages relating to teleoperation
Category:Non-humanoid Robots Category for pages relating to non-humanoid robots
Contributing How to contribute to the wiki

Communication Protocols

List of Actuators

Actuator Notes
MyActuator X-Series MIT Cheetah-like quasi-direct drive actuator, with planetary gears
OBot Open-source actuator
SPIN Servo Open-source actuator
VESCular6 A project based on VESC
ODrive A precision motor controller
Solo Motor Controller A motor controller alternative to the ODrive.
J60 Actuators built for the DEEP Robotics quadrupeds.
K-Scale Motor Controller An open-source motor controller

List of Humanoid Robots