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Jetson Orin Notes

291 bytes added, 10 May
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* Download "Sample Root Filesystem"
* Unpack (as root..) into rootfs directory inside of the BSP archive above.
* Run sudo ./tools/
* Run <code>./</code> from the BSP
** Note: If apply_binaries (or frankly, anything, this is brittle) fails, remove and recreate rootfs - the OS might be left in an unbootable state.
* Reboot AGX into "Recovery Mode" - hold the recovery button and reset button, release simultaneously ((sic) reset first?)
* Connect USB-C cable to the debug port ("front" USB-c)
* Nvidia AGX device should appear in the <code>lsusb</code>under NVIDIA CORP. APX* Run <code>./</code>Different options for different usecases( AGX Orin Developer Kit (eMMC): $ sudo ./ jetson-agx-orin-devkit internal  
* Watch for few minutes, typically it crashes early, then go for lunch.
[[Category: Firmware]]