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37 bytes added, 04:00, 24 April 2024
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This is a free resource to learn about humanoid robots. As you're looking around, if something feels incomplete or out-of-date, please update it so that we can continue providing high-quality information to the community.
{| class=== Companies ==="wikitable"|-! Company! Robots|-* | [[Tesla]]* | [[K-Scale LabsOptimus]]* |-|-| [[Agility]]* ||-| [[Sanctuary]]* ||-| [[1X]]* | [[Fourier IntelligenceEVE]]* , [[AGIBotNEO]]* |-| [[UnitreeFourier Intelligence]]* ||-| [[UBTechUnitree]]* | [[Boston DynamicsUnitree H1]]* |-| [[ApptronikUBTech]]|==== Robots ====|-* | [[OptimusBoston Dynamics]]* | [[H1Atlas]]* |-| [[NeoApptronik]]* ||-| [[EveK-Scale Labs]]* | [[Stompy]]|-==== Foundation Models ==== * | [[Physical Intelligence]]* ||-| [[Skild]]||}
=== Learning ===

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