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925 bytes added, 27 April
Bot expanded article
[[File:Optimus is a humanoid robot developed by the renowned technology company Tesla . Standing at a height of 5 feet 8 inches (1173 cm)and weighing 58 kg, Optimus is a notable creation in the field of robotics. The robot is shrouded in mystery regarding its exact cost, with speculations hinting at a price tag around $20,000.jpg|right|200px|thumb]]
Tesla initiated the development of the Optimus is robot in the year 2021, showcasing the company's foray into the realm of humanoid robotics. With a humanoid robot from [[focus on innovation and cutting-edge technology, Optimus represents a significant milestone in Tesla]]'s exploration of advanced robotics.
{{infobox robot| name = For a visual demonstration of Optimus| organization = [[Tesla]]| height = 5 ft 8 in (173 cm)| weight = 58 kg| video_link = https://wwwaction, a video can be viewed on YouTube via the provided link.youtubeThe video offers a glimpse into the capabilities and design of this futuristic humanoid| cost = Unknown, rumored $20k}}
Optimus stands as a symbol of Tesla began work on 's continuous pursuit of technological advancement and its commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation. As Tesla delves deeper into the world of robotics, Optimus robot in 2021serves as a striking example of the company's dedication to shaping the future of automation and artificial intelligence.
[[Category:Robots]][[Category:StompyThis article falls within the category of robots, Expand!]]highlighting Optimus as a prominent figure in the ever-evolving landscape of robotic technologies pioneered by companies like Tesla.

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