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Pose Estimation

1,261 bytes added, 7 June
Pose Estimation Related Models
| 4 || MoveNet || Google Research || Detecting 17 critical key points of the human body || [ MoveNet GitHub] || Apache 2.0
| 5 || PoseNet || Google Research || Detecting different body parts, providing comprehensive skeletal information || [ PoseNet GitHub] || Apache 2.0
| 6 || DCPose || Deep Dual Consecutive Network || Detecting human pose from multiple frames, addressing motion blur and occlusions || [ DCPose GitHub] || MIT
| 7 || DensePose || Facebook AI Research || Mapping human-based pixels from an RGB image to the 3D surface of a human body || [ DensePose GitHub] || Apache 2.0
| 8 || HigherHRNet || HRNet || Addressing scaling differences in pose prediction, especially for shorter people || [ HigherHRNet GitHub] || MIT
| 9 || Lightweight OpenPose || Daniil-Osokin || Real-time inference with minimal accuracy drop, detecting human poses through key points || [ Lightweight OpenPose GitHub] || MIT
| 10 || AlphaPose || MVIG-SJTU || Detecting multiple individuals in various scenes, achieving high mAP on COCO and MPII datasets || [ AlphaPose GitHub] || MIT

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