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Wireless Modules

496 bytes added, 28 May
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= Justification =
Robust, wireless communication between multiple PCB boards decreased design constraints and wiring, allowing for much more modular and adjustable designs capable. This would allow for mobility, ease of communication, reduced clutter, and scalability.Could potentially
= Current Methods of Integration =
== Connections ==
=== UART Communication ===
* Hook upUART_TX and UART_RX to STM32.
=== I2C Communication ===
== TODO ==
Look into the specific components of the Bluetooth modules to find ICS that can be easily used and interfaced with.
Figure out how to interface with ESP32 software using STM32, how to send specific commands, etc.
= Interfacing with Other Boards =
== Network Setup ==
=== Access Point ===
Set up one device as the master. Intended purpose of the CANdaddy. Host signal and allow other devices to connect using SSID and password. In the case of the ESP32, this is done through built in libraries that allow for
== Communication Protocol ==
== Data Exchange ==

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