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=Features = # USB-C + Battery compatibility# Able === Voltage === * Load sharing between USB and battery = Central Components = == MCU === STM32 =
Justification: 512 kB of flash memory, unit price at $3, powerful enough to run heavy programs
** TODO: Add the IC name
=== PCF2518 ===
* How do we connect I2C chip to the LCD screen?
=== MCP 2515 ===
== CAN Communication ==== CAN = MCP2515 ===
* How to get supply-side VCC without having it on the bus (from supply-side GND)?
* What do we do if supply-side GND is missing?
=Other === Questions ===
# How does the switching regulator mechanism work?
* Need to figure out the interface for the SPI lines using MCP2515
** Pros if successful:
*** Reduces amount of wiring for STM32, requires just one SPI bus with a bunch of easily programmable chip selects
** Cons: Need to understand the interface for the MCP2515. Need to confirm how interrupts and timing works.