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K-Scale CANdaddy

331 bytes added, 27 May
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# I understand that there is a way to both use the battery as a source as well as to charge it using the USB. However, wouldn't this mean not being able to put a diode within the circuit directing current in one direction? Isn't this a hazard, destroying the circuit the moment a bit of noise comes through?
# Power Ground in the context of a switching regulator for our circuit to amplify 3.7 V battery to 5 V source. Do we just connect Power Ground to Battery Ground?
=== Notes ===
* Need to figure out the interface for the SPI lines using MCP2515
* Pros if successful:
* Reduces amount of wiring for STM32, requires just one SPI bus with a bunch of easily programmable chip selects
* Cons: Need to understand the interface for the MCP2515. Need to confirm how interrupts and timing works.

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