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Isaac's Algorithm Notes

32 bytes added, 22 May
Other Notes =
=== Other Notes ====
* '''Softmax Function: '''
[[File:Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 6.56.45 PM.png|thumb]]
* ensures that all probabilities at each state are in the range (0,1) and sum to 1'''Semi-log plot trick'''
* Using semi-log plot to deal with very small probability values trick: Given <math>P</math> as the cumulative probability score of all words in the sequence so far, <math>P=p_0*p_1*p_2...p_n</math>
* Since the value of <math>P</math> can become very small, we can run into computational rounding errors. One strategy around this is to take the natural log of the summation of all p values and use this to compare values of <math>P</math>. This works because

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