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170 bytes removed, 19 May
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== Building == === 1. Install emscripten ===
First, you need to install emscripten, which is a compiler toolchain for WebAssembly.
==== 1.1. Get the emsdk repo ====
git clone
==== 1.2. Enter that directory ====
cd emsdk
==== 1.3. Download and install the latest SDK tools ====
./emsdk install latest
==== 1.4. Make the "latest" SDK "active" ====
./emsdk activate latest
==== 1.5. Activate PATH and other environment variables ====
source ./
==== 1.6. Now just try it! ====
=== 2. Build the mujoco_wasm Binary ===Next, you'll build the MuJoCo WebAssembly binary. ==== On Linux ====<code>mkdir buildcd buildemcmake cmake ..make</code>   === 2. Build the mujoco_wasm Binary ===
Next, you'll build the MuJoCo WebAssembly binary.
==== 2.1. On Linux ====
mkdir build

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