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Phoenix is a state-of-the-art humanoid robot developed by Sanctuary AI, a prominent company in the field of robotics. As a part of the ongoing development in robotic technology, the Phoenix robot is designed with specific capabilities and features aimed at performing various general-purpose tasks, which can be adapted to different environments and conditions.


Phoenix, associated with Sanctuary AI, represents the seventh generation of humanoid robots produced by the organization. Phoenix Gen 7 was officially unveiled on May 16, 2024, marking a significant advancement in the capability of humanoid robots to perform complex tasks in a human-like manner. The robot is especially noted for its adaptability in various work environments, combining artificial intelligence and mechanical precision to accomplish tasks that require detailed attention and dexterity.

OrganizationSanctuary AI
Height5 ft 7 in (170 cm)
Weight70 kg (155 lbs)
Phoenix Gen 7

Design and Specifications

      1. Physical Attributes ###
  • **Height**: 170 cm (5 ft 7 in)
  • **Weight**: 70 kg (155 lbs)
  • **Payload Capacity (Two-hand)**: 25 kg
      1. Mobility and Dexterity ###

Phoenix has been engineered to mimic human movements with a high degree of accuracy and fluidity, which allows it to perform tasks that involve fine motor skills and contextual adaptation to new situations.


The applications of Phoenix range from industrial manufacturing, where precision and repeatability are essential, to roles in the service sector that demand adaptive interaction with human environments. Phoenix’s design makes it suitable for a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, assembly line work, handling of delicate materials, and interaction with customers in retail settings.

Development and Release

The release of Phoenix Gen 7 by Sanctuary AI was accompanied by significant media coverage and public interest. Sanctuary AI highlighted the advances made in the robot's design, emphasizing its enhanced cognitive and physical abilities compared to previous models.

External Links
