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Sanctuary AI is a pioneering company in the field of humanoid robotics, based in the United States. Founded with the vision to create sophisticated humanoid robots capable of performing complex tasks, Sanctuary AI focuses on developing robots that can safely interact and collaborate with humans in various environments. The company's flagship robot, Phoenix, represents a significant advancement in humanoid robot technology.

Sanctuary AI
NameSanctuary AI
CountryUnited States


Sanctuary AI was established with the aim of integrating humanoid robots into everyday settings, improving efficiency and safety, and enabling new capabilities that were previously unattainable in several industries, including healthcare, service sectors, and hazardous environment operations. The company leverages cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence, robotics, and human-robot interaction to build robots that are not only mechanically efficient but also capable of intelligent decision-making and adaptation to various situations.


Phoenix, Sanctuary AI's premier humanoid robot, is designed to seamlessly integrate into human workspaces. It has been developed with advanced sensor technology and AI-driven functionalities, enabling it to perform tasks ranging from simple material handling to complex problem-solving scenarios that require interaction with human counterparts.

Despite being at the forefront of humanoid robotics technology, Sanctuary AI maintains a strong commitment to ethical considerations in AI, focusing on the safe and responsible deployment of robots in society. This includes ensuring that Phoenix and future models adhere to stringent safety protocols and ethical guidelines to prevent any potential misuse of the technology.

Initiatives and Impact

Sanctuary AI not only focuses on commercial applications but also participates in various academic and collaborative research initiatives to push the boundaries of what's possible in humanoid robotics. These collaborations are aimed at fostering innovation and ensuring the integration of new technologies that enhance the capabilities of humanoid robots while addressing societal challenges.

The company's impact extends beyond the technology sector, influencing discussions and policies around the future of work, ethics in robotics, and the integration of AI systems in our daily lives. Sanctuary AI is also an active participant in regulatory and standard-setting activities intended to shape the future landscape of robotics and AI technologies.

Future Outlook

Looking ahead, Sanctuary AI is dedicated to refining their technologies and scaling their applications, not just within high-skill environments but also in everyday use cases. This commitment is anticipated to drive further innovations in robot autonomy, human-robot collaboration, and ethical AI practices, marking Sanctuary AI as a significant player in shaping the future integration of robots into human societies.