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Install emscripten[edit]

First, you need to install emscripten, which is a compiler toolchain for WebAssembly.

Get the emsdk repo[edit]

git clone

Enter that directory[edit]

cd emsdk

Download and install the latest SDK tools[edit]

./emsdk install latest

Make the "latest" SDK "active"[edit]

./emsdk activate latest

Activate PATH and other environment variables[edit]

source ./

These variables are set for the current terminal. If you want to make it for all terminals, you can add them to any terminal profile. Here they are:

The environment variables: EMSDK = < path to emsdk dir >

EM_CONFIG = ~/.emscripten

EMSDK_NODE = < path to emsdk dir >/node/12.9.1_64bit/bin/node

Now just try it![edit]


Build the mujoco_wasm Binary[edit]

First git clone

Next, you'll build the MuJoCo WebAssembly binary.

mkdir build
cd build
emcmake cmake ..

emcmake cmake ..


Tip: If you get an error with "undefined symbol: saveSetjmp/testSetjmp" at the build step, revert to: ./emsdk install 3.1.56 && ./emsdk activate 3.1.56 && source ./

Running in Browser[edit]

Run this in your mujoco folder to start a server.

python -m http.server 8000

Then navigate to:


MuJoCo running in browser

Running in Cloud/Cluster and Viewing on Local Machine[edit]

Add extra parameter to your ssh command:

ssh -L 8000: my_name@my_cluster_ip

Then you can open it on the browser on your local machine!

Adding New Models[edit]

All the models are stored in the folder examples/scenes, as seen below:

Example folder.png

You can add your own model XML and meshes here. For example, here we add the stompy folder.

After adding the model files, run python to update file indexes.

Then copy all the content in index.json to mujocoUtils.js, as shown below:

Add model1.png

In the end, again at file mujocoUtils.js, add the name and scene file

Add model2.png

Then reload again and you can see new models have been added:

Add model3.png