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Mujoco WASM Build From Source

18 bytes removed, 22 July
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Proceed with the next steps once you've made suggested changes to your codebase to allow for a WASM build. You can see the changes here as a reference
You could also run git show to see specific changes that have been made to the original mujoco 3.1.6. files e.g. ,5c4b86b b35d837 85f7539 6f173ea 4142aa5 7e2fb2f b0e4341 a4b173e ad49419 21e4e6c c18e6f5 836bbd9 534e43e 0b75f5f > changes.txt
As of this writing, you'd need have to disable several features of 3.1.6 to allow for a successful WASM build.