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Mujoco WASM Build From Source

18 bytes added, 21 July
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Proceed with the next steps once you've made suggested changes to your codebase to allow for a WASM build. You can see the changes here as a reference
You probably As of this writing, you'd need have to disable several features of 3.1.6 to allow for a successful WASM build.
For example in CMakeLists.txt, the options to build examples, simulate library, and tests for MuJoCo have been turned off by default (changed from ON to OFF). New configurations and target properties for building MuJoCo with Emscripten have been added. This includes defining source files, checking their existence, and setting specific properties and options for building WebAssembly (.wasm) and HTML output. Some target link options have been adjusted, including removing the lodepng library from the target link list.