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Created page with "= Expressive Whole-Body Control for Humanoid Robots = == Installation == <code> conda create -n humanoid python=3.8 conda activate humanoid cd pip3 install torch==1.10.0+cu11..."
= Expressive Whole-Body Control for Humanoid Robots =

== Installation ==
conda create -n humanoid python=3.8
conda activate humanoid
pip3 install torch==1.10.0+cu113 torchvision==0.11.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.10.0+cu113 -f
git clone
cd expressive_humanoid_covariant
# Download the Isaac Gym binaries from
cd isaacgym/python && pip install -e .
cd ~/expressive_humanoid_covariant/rsl_rl && pip install -e .
cd ~/expressive_humanoid_covariant/legged_gym && pip install -e .
pip install "numpy<1.24" pydelatin wandb tqdm opencv-python ipdb pyfqmr flask dill gdown
Next install fbx. Follow the instructions here.

== Prepare dataset ==
Download from here and extract the zip file to ASE/ase/poselib/data/cmu_fbx_all that contains all .fbx files.

Generate .yaml file for the motions you want to use.
cd ASE/ase/poselib
This step is not mandatory because the .yaml file is already generated. But if you want to add more motions, you can use this script to generate the .yaml file.

== Import motions ==
cd ASE/ase/poselib
This will import all motions in CMU Mocap dataset into ASE/ase/poselib/data/npy.

== Retarget motions ==
cd ASE/ase/poselib
mkdir pkl retarget_npy
This will retarget all motions in ASE/ase/poselib/data/npy to ASE/ase/poselib/data/retarget_npy.

== Generate keybody positions ==
This step will require running simulation to extract more precise key body positions.
cd legged_gym/legged_gym/scripts
python debug --task h1_view --motion_name motions_debug.yaml --debug
Train for 1 iteration and kill the program to have a dummy model to load.
python debug --task h1_view --motion_name motions_autogen_all.yaml
It is recommended to use motions_autogen_all.yaml at the first time, so that later if you have a subset it is not necessary to regenerate keybody positions. This will generate keybody positions to ASE/ase/poselib/data/retarget_npy. Set wandb asset:

== Usage ==
To train a new policy:
python xxx-xx-some_descriptions_of_run --device cuda:0 --entity WANDB_ENTITY
xxx-xx is usually an id like 000-01. motion_type and motion_name are defined in legged_gym/legged_gym/envs/h1/ They can be also given as arguments. Can set default WANDB_ENTITY in legged_gym/legged_gym/utils/

To play a policy:
python xxx-xx
No need to write the full experiment id. The parser will auto match runs with first 6 strings (xxx-xx). So better make sure you don't reuse xxx-xx. Delay is added after 8k iters. If you want to play after 8k, add --delay.

To play with example pretrained models:
python 060-40 --delay --motion_name motions_debug.yaml
Try to press + or - to see different motions. The motion name will be printed on terminal. motions_debug.yaml is a small subset of motions for debugging and contains some representative motions.

Save models for deployment:
python --exptid xxx-xx
This will save the models in legged_gym/logs/parkour_new/xxx-xx/traced/.

== Viewer Usage ==
Can be used in both IsaacGym and web viewer.
* ALT + Mouse Left + Drag Mouse: move view.
* [ ]: switch to next/prev robot.
* Space: pause/unpause.
* F: switch between free camera and following camera.

=== IsaacGym viewer specific ===
* +: next motion in yaml.
* -: prev motion in yaml.
* r: reset the motion to the beginning.
* ]: camera focus on next env.
* [: camera focus on prev env.

== Arguments ==
* --exptid: string, can be xxx-xx-WHATEVER, xxx-xx is typically numbers only. WHATEVER is the description of the run.
* --device: can be cuda:0, cpu, etc.
* --delay: whether add delay or not.
* --checkpoint: the specific checkpoint you want to load. If not specified load the latest one.
* --resume: resume from another checkpoint, used together with --resumeid.
* --seed: random seed.
* --no_wandb: no wandb logging.
* --entity: specify wandb entity
* --web: used for playing on headless machines. It will forward a port with vscode and you can visualize seamlessly in vscode with your idle gpu or cpu. Live Preview vscode extension required, otherwise you can view it in any browser.
* --motion_name: e.g. 07_04 or motions_all.yaml. If motions_all.yaml is used, motion_type should be yaml.
* --motion_type: single or yaml
* --fix_base: fix the base of the robot.

For more arguments, refer legged_gym/utils/