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Getting Started with Humanoid Robots

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=== Selecting Components ===
==== Actuators and Gearboxes ====== Actuators in Humanoid Robotics: Insights and Innovations ==
=== Actuator Types and Design Inspirations ===
There are discussions about custom actuator developments tailored for specific applications. For example, discussions from [Iris Dynamics on electric linear actuators]( suggest they can match the capabilities of human muscles, making them particularly interesting for humanoid applications.
=== Global Collaborations and Innovations ===
==== Actuator Design Finalization for Public Release ====
Collaborations, such as those discussed for finalizing actuator designs for public releases, highlight the global effort in refining robotic components. These collaborations often result in minor but crucial adjustments that enhance the overall functionality and integration of actuators into robotic systems.
== Assembly Tips ==