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Pose Estimation

Revision as of 04:51, 7 June 2024 by Vrtnis (talk | contribs) (MediaPipe and Detectron2)

Pose estimation is a computer vision technique that predicts the configuration of a person's or object's joints or parts in an image or video.

It involves detecting and tracking the position and orientation of these parts, usually represented as keypoints.

Pose estimation is widely used in applications such as motion capture, human-computer interaction, augmented reality, and robotics. The process typically involves training machine learning models on large datasets of annotated images to accurately identify and locate the keypoints.

Pose Estimation Related Models

Sr No Model Developer Key Points Source License
1 MediaPipe Google Tracking 33 key points on the human body, offering cross-platform, customizable ML solutions [ MediaPipe GitHub] Apache 2.0 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
2 Detectron2 Facebook AI Research High-performance codebase for object detection and segmentation, including pose estimation [ Detectron2 GitHub] Apache 2.0 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
3 OpenPose Carnegie Mellon University Detecting key points of the human body, including hand, facial, and foot OpenPose GitHub MIT
4 MoveNet Google Research Detecting 17 critical key points of the human body MoveNet GitHub Apache 2.0