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Haptic Technology

Revision as of 18:52, 13 May 2024 by Vrtnis (talk | contribs)

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Haptic technology in robotics has transformed the landscape of remote operations, offering a more nuanced and precise control that mimics human touch. This technological advancement allows operators to control robots from afar, feeling what the robots feel as if they were physically present, which dramatically improves the operator's ability to perform complex tasks.

  • HaptX Gloves and the Tactile Telerobot: Developed in collaboration with the Converge Robotics Group, the HaptX Gloves are part of the innovative Tactile Telerobot system. This setup enables precise, intuitive control over robotic hands from thousands of miles away, with the gloves providing real-time tactile sensations that simulate actual contact with various objects.


Improving Remote Interaction

The haptic gloves are designed to reduce latency and increase the accuracy of feedback, making remote operations feel more immediate and intuitive. For example, a notable test involved using these gloves to type a message on a keyboard situated over 5,000 miles away, demonstrating the critical role of tactile feedback in performing everyday tasks remotely.