Nvidia Jetson: Flashing Custom Firmware

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Revision as of 00:36, 4 June 2024 by (talk) (For the Jetson Orin Nano)
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Developing Custom Firmware

For the Jetson Orin Nano


Notes: - Current Design constraints:

  - Based off of the availability of parts in JLCPCB. Possibility of parts not being found or existing. 

- Flashing is done with the flash.sh script through the following command

$ sudo ./flash.sh <board> <rootdev>
where board is the actual board (Jetson-Nano-XX, etc.)

rootdev determines what type of device is being flahed. Use mmcblk0pc1 to flash a local storage device (eMMC or SD card) - TO begin flashing, put the device into force recovery mode and then press reset. - Run the flash script using the previous command specified.

Flash using a convenient script: - To avoid having to specify the rootdev andthe board configurations, can use the custom flashing script:


Using GPIO Pins to program protocol: - you can use the rasberry pi libraries to interface with the pins, configuring them to whatever layout that is needed.

  - Example: it is possible to direclty interface with the i2c system in the nano by using the linux terminal itself.