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Learning algorithms

54 bytes added, 24 April
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MuJoCo (Multi-Joint dynamics with Contact) is a physics engine designed for research in robotics and biomechanics. It's known for its speed, accuracy, and ease of use, making it popular for simulating complex systems with robotics and articulated structures.
==Simulators=====[[Isaac Sim]]=== ===[[VSim]]=== == Training frameworks ==
Popular training frameworks
===Isaac Gym===
== Training algorithms ==
===[[Imitation learning]]===
Imitation Learning is a technique where models learn to perform tasks by mimicking expert behaviors. This approach is often used when defining explicit reward functions is challenging. It accelerates learning by using pre-collected datasets of expert demonstrations, reducing the need for trial-and-error in initial learning phases.
===[[Reinforcement Learning]]===
Reinforcement Learning involves agents learning to make decisions by interacting with an environment to maximize cumulative rewards. It's foundational in fields where sequential decision-making is crucial, like gaming, autonomous vehicles, and robotics. RL uses methods like Q-learning and policy gradient to iteratively improve agent performance based on feedback from the environment.
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